Thursday 16 April 2015

How to create Channel Trailer for YouTube

Channel Trailer is a short video or your uploaded video that shows when a new person visits your channel. So enabling this feature will help you guys to tell a new person that what your channel stands for and make visitors to subscribers.

This channel trailer will make an  awesome first impression for your channel. So when creating your channel trailer, keep in mind a few important tips:
  • assume the viewer has never heard of you
  • keep it short
  • hook your viewers in the first few seconds
  • show, don’t tell
  • ask viewers to subscribe in your video and with annotations

Then follow these steps:

1.First login to YouTube with your account,then click "My Channel".

2.The channel trailer is available to channels with the channel browse view enabled. For this hover over the section with your channel name and click on the pencil that appears on the right hand side. Then click "edit channel navigation"

 3. Enable the Browse view and then click Save

4.Then go to your Home channel. You can see a section "For new visitors". Click on that.

5.Now you can see a "channel trailer" button. By clicking on this a popup will be open, in which you can select your uploaded videos as your Trailer or you can add URL of your Trailer video.

6. I just selected on of my uploaded videos as Trailer, Then the channel trailer place will show that selected video.

Check your channel after signing out. Channel will show your Trailer video. 

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MSSquare Techz

MSSquare Techz provides tips and tutorials for different fields like electronics,blogging,Youtube,Adsense etc